God gave me a dream a couple years ago that I think is an important word to release right now. I wanted to hear from Him myself about what the days ahead would be like, because I had been hearing what others were saying, but it’s important to me that I go to the Source. On a Sunday morning in late June, I had a dream about a courtroom scene. I had my head down on my arms at the table where I was sitting, and had a cotton ball in my right ear. A woman who I believe represented Jesus was standing next to me; she was our Advocate, and she put a cotton ball in my left ear. The reason she did so was so I would not hear all the details she was about to present in court, for they were gruesome and upsetting details about the evil the defendant had committed. These crimes were part of a national conspiracy. He was a very bad dude, a kingpin who laundered money to hide criminal activity in order to protect someone even higher up than him. After we had performed poorly in our lines of questioning, the bad guy was very prideful and confident that he was in the clear. However, our Lawyer stood up and lit into him with this appalling list of criminal activity. It was so shocking that the other side couldn’t do anything about what she said except pack up and leave. It was surprising and bold and blindsided the defendant and his team. As we all packed up, I gathered rolls of tiny h’ors d’oeuvres forks and met a woman who worked for the other team. I waved at her and she came to talk to me. She was older and about to retire, but was very impressed by us. I asked her to keep my business card and tell me if she ever changed jobs. Then it was time to leave the building, which was in a city like Washington, D.C., and as I drove onto the city streets, all the lights were turning from red to green very quickly. I was careful to not speed and yet each time I slowed down for a red light, it turned green right away. The final point of the dream was that there was a $365,000,000 fine, and it felt significant to me that the value linked up with $1,000,000 for each day of a year.
“That’s cool,” you might think, “but what does it all mean?” I believe that we are about to head into a significant time of shocking revelation as a nation. The evil that has prevailed for decades, evil that barely disguises itself anymore, is about to be exposed in a very big way. The depths of evil and depravity in these crimes will be quite upsetting, and I believe that the dream is encouraging us to not be fascinated by all those details, which is why I had cotton balls in my ears. I think many of us know the big picture, but in case you don’t, I’m referring to absolutely heinous crimes committed against children most specifically, including but not limited to abortion, selling body parts for medical research, human trafficking, and child sacrifice. However, this also pertains to election fraud and crimes against humanity with respect to the origins and handling of the COVID virus. There is evil in every aspect of our culture, and God is about to root it all out. He wants us to be focused on His goodness during this time, and not on the awful things that will be revealed, for He is only drawing out infection in order to bring healing. The tiny forks in the dream indicate that this is just the first course of several, and the green lights that I encountered on the way out of DC represent no more delays. The woman that I met from the “other side” represents the people that were once aligned with evil who decide to change their ways. We should be welcoming and loving to these people, and ready to encourage and counsel those who are struggling with the news that they hear. Lastly, the $365m fine and 365 days in a year point to the phrase “Do no fear,” which appears 365 times in the Bible. Do not fear what you see. If you know Jesus, press into Him. Process with Him and others you trust. Be strengthened so you can strengthen others. Revival is already here, but this will kick it up exponentially. People will flood to churches that boldly speak truth. There is no time left for “seeker sensitive” church services that don’t help those who are in need of the transformation of Christ. It’s high stakes right now, but it’s also the most exciting time to be alive. The whole world is about to know that there is a God, and He is JUST and GOOD. He is setting things right, He is healing the hurting and broken, and He is fulfilling His promises. This is NOT the end, as some have been saying, it is the beginning. Be ready and DO NOT FEAR.