There is evil in every aspect of our culture, and God is about to root it all out. He wants us to focus on His goodness during this time, and not on the awful things that will be revealed. The whole world is about to know that there is a God, and He is JUST and GOOD. He is setting things right, He is healing the hurting and broken, and He is fulfilling His promises. This is NOT the end, as some have been saying, it is the beginning. Be ready and DO NOT FEAR.
Category: Righteousness
Out of Darkness
We are bombarded with information and images that suggest we are drowning in darkness, but Jesus died and was resurrected to bring us into God’s Kingdom of light.
Lord I believe, help my unbelief!
We are tempted to take the destruction of people around us as evidence that a shared calamity must also destroy us. If we are just like them, we must be destroyed just like them. In embracing this perspective, we let down our shield of truth and open the door to doubt and work against God’s protection from evil.
Fate and the Paradox of Free Will: PART 4
We cannot renew our minds without the Holy Spirit; we cannot become new creations or have our hearts washed clean by our own will; we are dependent on God to do it all. But we must make the choice to submit to God’s work in us by following the principles he teaches in his Word and spending intimate time in prayer and worship with him, so we can learn to hear his voice and follow his guidance and wisdom. God does not force salvation on anyone; neither does he turn away anyone who desires it. It is a free gift.
Fate and the Paradox of Free Will: PART 3
God has a predetermined plan for every human being’s life. As you grow, you discover your desires and your talents through nature and nurture. If you choose to follow God and his principles; he will work on your behalf in order for you to do the work and follow the call he has set before you. Beginning here on earth and continuing later when Jesus returns, God will honor and reward you for choosing to be obedient to the plan he predetermined, or predestined, in your life.
The Power Of Perfect Love
Living our lives putting others before ourselves can be difficult at times, actually it can seem impossible to do! Without even realizing we wake up in the mornings to start a new day and the first thing we do is put on the amour of self preservation. In our subconscious and unconscious mind we prepare ourselves for the harsh realities of a not so nice world that is all around us. So how do we see the world through a different lens?
The Gift Of Free Will
Life is found in a lover of God who chose to believe he is fully loved and accepted in Christ. Renewing our mind to truth empowers us receive his love, so when we fall we get back up quickly.
Fate and the Paradox of Free Will: PART 2
Does God bring others to help when I choose not to? How much control do we have in our own fate? Does God allow us to blow it for others when our free will mostly leads to selfishness? But then, how does he seem to control the pulse of the universe despite us running around screwing things up?
Don’t just know what Jesus has done, know what He is doing now
Our ability to have lasting change begins with setting our course with purpose, with a desire and willingness to be humble to the Holy Sprit and we are required to let Him put his finger on the very thing we seek to change. To achieve this must spend time with Holy Sprit, developing relationship with Him.
Wonder: A Cause of Astonishment or Admiration
Take a moment today and look around you and see others with different lens. Let yourself be infatuated with the beauty of others. Don’t look at who they are not. Look at them as the son or daughter created in the image of your Heavenly Father. This will move your imagination into a place of awe and wonder!